Feminism - To Decry Hate

    Divinity is omnipresent. But you know what else is ubiquitous? Social Media Violence! Populations belonging to particular strata of society succumb to the toxic integration of extremes of social control and technological advancements.

    Deep-rooted male-chauvinistic society has inflicted the emergence of Pseudo-feminism. You might wonder whether it's an actual phenomenon. It is a characteristic of a person that claims to be a feminist yet ignores the main point of feminism, equality. They will tend to blather on about how horrendous a man can be or assume how men do not face social issues in regards to their gender. Like every rational individual would think, I do suspect the coexistence of the deep-rooted male chauvinism since the history and newly evolved, high spirited pseudo feminism will do any good.

    This rally of this fight has been shifted to the digital platform in this contemporary world and resulted as the sole reason for millions to fall prey to mean actions and discover themselves in the stroma of Mental health disorders. In the worst-case scenarios, they end up taking their lives.

    Let us confer about how Feminism can become the mine of positivity, a necessity in today's world.

    To bring clarity to all the perplexing minds, I will break down the word ''Feminism'' into a comprehensible version. The syllable - Fem does not allude to its meaning to females or anything feminine. Feminism is an umbrella term for the series of movements for accomplishing its motto - equality for all.

    When one realizes its worth and his/her right to equality, and moves to question the corrupt system we live in and ideates the solutions to put an to the unjust environment, he/she becomes a feminist. The time has knocked on our door to introspect ourselves and evolve as a change agent.

    The cyber-world lacks strong moral conduct. Nor do they have an efficient external judicial system. Anonymity is a facet that gives an individual the liberty to indulge in any activity without being accountable. But the three R's of feminism will facilitate you to become a responsible social media user and overcome these hurdles; Respect, React and Report. -Every individual is unique. Respect them and their views. Not all will have a common opinion on the same matter.

    -If you do enjoy something, be it a post or a comment, don't hesitate to appreciate it. This might make somebody's day. On the other hand, if you don't, you can directly inform the respective individual and explain the reason for such a thought. By doing so, you may be able to avert the scrutiny of a careless mistake by the public and him/her to subjectification. -Report if you find any post or any article which does not abide by the community guidelines.

    Since there is a rapid expansion in the pedagogies of socialization due to technological innovation, I reckon this arises the need for Netiquette training. If we succeed in instilling such valuable lessons in our children, we will be able to produce a generation with a strong moral foundation.

    To accomplish a hate-free online platform, we will have to take the thorny roads, climb broken ladders, and whatnot. Feminism - the power of movements for equality, respect, and love will guide you throughout your journey to triumph.

    I hope our vision to negate the hatred towards each other will be true with our active participation in society as change agents not just in Social Media platforms but also in our milieu. I hope the surge in feminist movements will be triumphant in leading us to the light of equality. I hope we can put an end to the rally of hate!

    Let us make a chain to break the chain of hatred! #NoHateNovember

    Sreepriya Jaisankar
    Sreepriya Jaisankar

    I'm Sreepriya, an undergraduate student in Social Work at Madras School of Social Work. I hail from Kerala, and presently, I am a Community Manager at YOLO.