When Hate Meets Sexual Orientation And When They Meet Knowledge

    HATRED is intense dislike, much like love it's also blind and makes us see and believe things that are not true. Blind hatred can be based on race, religion, gender, politics or sexual orientation. Now let's introduce SEXUAL ORIENTATION into this, sexual orientation is the emotions, romantic or sexual attraction that a person feels towards another person. There are several types of Sexual orientations like:- Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Asexual, Pansexual etc,.

    Adolescence is the time for changes and it's the time when adolescents try to find themselves, their identities. So they experiment and keep experimenting till they find the output for what they had starting experimenting in the first place.

    LGBTQ is used to describe Sexual orientation that is LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER and QUESTIONING. Sexual orientation is not something a person chooses instead it's a part of who a person is. AAP( American academy of pediatrics) and APA(American psychological association) believes that sexual orientation is a complex mix of biology, psychology, environmental factors, genes and even hormones. Now that we know that it is something people are born with and it's not chosen by people. But blind hatred makes it difficult for people to just see what sexual orientation means and many other facts about it.

    Hatred based on sexual orientation(LGBTQ) according to APA is often a subject to Social stigma like prejudice, violence and discrimination. It takes a lot of time and bravery to find themselves and COME OUT in front of the society. It often takes too much time to do that because the world is filled with hatred. This hatred and unacceptance often leads to them getting mentally affected and chances of them having depression increases.

    6 September 2018, was ruled by Supreme court of india "in so far as its criminalists consensual sexual conduct between adults of same sex". Our government has definitely taken a step forward by legalizing Homosexual marriages and Homosexuality in India. A lot has changed with time and reportes say that Shares of people in india who don't want gay neighbors has come down since 1991. In 1991 its was 91% of people who didn't want them as neighbors but on 2014 it was reduced to 42%. But so many more changes to happen.

    Changes can happen when people let go of their blind hate and decide to educate themselves instead. They say knowledge is power. So knowledge definitely has the power to change things and spread light all around the world. Education plays a role in a lot of things and even in preventing hatred. If people are well educated on Sexual orientations and understand it from others point of view and think about it and learn to accept things then hatred will be left behind.

    Lack of education and prejudices can make people believe on false information and lack of fact checking can make hatred happen. Lack of education can make people questions like:- "Is Homosexuality transferred through touch?", "Is it a disease?" Or make people say statements such as "Don't go near that person or you might become like him or her". These questions are purely through lack of knowledge about that certain topic. Most people get their facts through social media or ear to ear gossip. Yes, and then people who do the fact checking know the fact and make statements according to that and people who don't do fact checking may get offended and just hate. Studies also show that Younger people tend to be more accepting of Homosexuality than older people.

    Another important thing. If you ever find a person who is blindly hating on something or someone instead of starting to hate the person who is hating you can try to give them more information and facts about that certain thing and make them understand it so that they can then decide if what they were doing was a right thing or a wrong one.

    Education and acceptance are keys to where everything which is worthy of being accepted is being accepted. As hate goes away the world can become a better place for everybody and instead of searching for heaven people just might find their Heaven on earth. REMEMBER IGNORANCE AND HATRED CAN BE ERADICATED THROUGH KNOWLEDGE AND ACCEPTANCE.

    Swapna Bharadwaj
    Swapna Bharadwaj

    My name is Swapna Bhowmick and I am currently a Community manager at YOLO. I love reading, writing and painting. I also believe that knowledge has the power to change everything.